Why is it important to have mobile responsive website?

The mobile era is in its full bloom and without a solid mobile marketing plan; it is tough for any company to make its presence felt. Having a responsive websites is a part of it and proves instrumental in optimizing the market share.
Mobile usage in current times
• One third of people, today, use smartphones as their primary device to access the internet (HubSpot).
• In ten countries, the number of Google searches on mobile has surpassed the number of such searches on
computers (Google).
• By 2020, there will be 6.1 billion smartphones users globally (TechCrunch)
What are responsive websites?
Well, responsive sites are ones where you do not have to go through the cumbersome experience of scrolling sideways or up and down to see the complete content (like a few years back). Instead, the content appears all at once – thanks to its fluid and flexible technology which allows the site’s size to react to the size of user’s screen and adjust accordingly.
In simpler terms, a responsive website has single content and one URL and it looks great and functions well on any device – desktop, laptop, mobile or tablet.
Why responsive website?
Let us now understand why it is so important to invest in a responsive website.
User Experience
A user can access the site on any device without having to scroll or adjust it on any of it, leading to enhanced user experience.
Just like any fluid. Its content flows freely across all devices and fits appropriately on the screen irrespective of the size of the device.
Google friendly
Google refers to responsive websites as the industry best practice and recommends it. These sites are easier for Google to crawl, index and organize content. Besides they are easier to share, interact with, and link to as compared to non-responsive sites.
Easy management
It is obvious – one website is easier managed than two. Also, responsive websites require just one SEO campaign instead of two (one for desktop site and other for mobile site), thus making it cost effective. Analyzing and tracking of such campaigns at one place and consolidated reporting are yet other advantages of such sites.
Want to know more about it? Why not talk to experts, Contact us at pradeep@synaptic.in.